Employee Retention

Show Your Gratitude!

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays — a day centered on family, friends, food, football, and giving thanks. In fact, it’s the perfect time of year to show your gratitude to your patients and chiropractic staff. Here are a few ways to show how thankful you are to your coworkers and patients.

Make Management Less Stressful

There is no doubt about it: your chiropractic practice wouldn’t operate without your employees. Your employees are your most valuable resource, but they can also drain your time and energy. That means properly managing your workforce in a way that promotes employee engagement is critical, and it can have a direct impact on your bottom line. Here are our tips.

The Importance of Empathy

The Importance of Empathy

We're currently looking at a trend where unemployment is low and there is a skilled labor shortage, meaning employees have the advantage. Just as you have to work to keep your patients, you must also work to retain (and recruit) the best employees possible. So, where do you start?