Keep Employee Morale Up Amidst Coronavirus

The threat of coronavirus is impacting workplaces everywhere, including chiropractic practices. People are spending more time at home, are working and taking classes remotely, and could potentially be canceling their appointments at your chiropractic practice. These shifts and the continued rise of confirmed cases causes stress for everyone and employees are becoming increasingly paranoid. As people literally fear for their lives, morale is declining rapidly. Additionally, everyone is being forced to change their routines, putting on even more stress. The reality is that businesses can’t stop operating and remote work is just not a possibility for a chiropractic practice. Here are our tips to help you reduce panic and increase employee morale during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Communicate with Intention

As the leader of your chiropractic practice, it is crucial that you don’t get sucked into the panic. Your staff will look to you and model their behavior after yours, particularly in a time of crisis. It’s important to remain calm and help manage their emotions. You should keep your employees updated on the situation and invite them to engage in discussion. To prevent the spread of misinformation through gossip and rumors, only share credible sources like the WHO and CDC.

Be Flexible with Policies and Guidelines

Remember that flexibility isn’t just important physically – it’s also an important characteristic trait. School and daycare closings are huge disruptions for families that have no other option for childcare. Practice empathy and understanding and try to be as flexible as possible for employees trying to navigate these unexpected changes.

It may not be possible to offer remote work, but certain policies can most likely be loosened and trust when your employees say they are sick or experiencing symptoms and do your best to work around them. The last thing anyone needs is an infected chiropractic practice and employee morale will only deteriorate if your team feels that you don’t care about what they are going through. 

We are living in a time unlike any other and ChiroDestiny is here to help you navigate so your chiropractic practice can remain successful. Check out our coronavirus resources page and take action today with a free practice analysis.