Show Your Gratitude!

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays — a day centered on family, friends, food, football, and giving thanks. In fact, it’s the perfect time of year to show your gratitude to your patients and chiropractic staff. Here are a few ways to show how thankful you are to your coworkers and patients.

Say “Thank You”

This one seems like a no-brainer, but simply saying “thank you” has a big impact. Studies show that employees who are thanked work up to 50% harder than those who haven’t been thanked. All that from a simple thank you! This extends to patients, coworkers, colleagues, and everyone else in your life. Simply saying you appreciate someone else’s effort is incredibly meaningful. If you have a hard time remembering to say thank you, try this easy exercise. For every person you interact with, think of something you are grateful for in regard to that person or interaction. You’ll soon find it comes naturally!

Say “Thank You”…and Mean It

While studies have shown that saying “thank you” can be powerful, you have to actually mean it. If you don’t mean what you say, your body language and tone will give you away and you will seem untrustworthy and disingenuous. When you are thanking someone, stop what you are doing and focus on that person so you can make eye contact when you speak to them. Even if you are on the phone and the person can’t see you, be sure they have your full attention. They deserve it, after all!

Get Out Your Stationary

We get it — text, email, all of that is so much easier than hand-writing a note. But a note of appreciation will surprise your patients in an era of constant online communication. Handwritten notes to every patient is a bit extreme, but paying special note to events like birthdays or even as a welcome note is going the extra mile. Additionally, handwriting a note to your staff members is an extra special gesture, especially when it’s done randomly.

Compliments Should Start with “You”

This is a trick that gives the statement a whole different feeling. When you start the compliments with “you”, are you shining a light on the other person rather than focusing on yourself. So instead of saying, “I think you did a great job!” simply say, “You did a great job!”. The person receiving the compliments should be the main focus.

Think Outside the Box

While you should be thanking your staff, colleagues, friends, and family regularly, don’t stop there! Willingly share words of appreciation with new and returning patients, vendors, the mail carrier, anyone you see on a regular basis. An attitude of gratitude is good for your health and for your practice!

As you prepare for food, football, family, and fun this Thanksgiving, don’t forget to show your gratitude to those that help your practice be a success. If you’d like to learn more about how to better your chiropractic practice, click here for a complimentary coaching call. Here at ChiroDestiny, we appreciate you!