chiropractic coaching group

What Successful People Have in Common

What Successful People Have in Common

What do all successful people have in common? Read more to see how you can become more successful in your practice and your life!

How Chiropractic Coaches Keep You Efficient

How Chiropractic Coaches Keep You Efficient

Technical expertise is usually not enough to keep a practice up and running. Chiropractic seminars are a great way to get inspired and learn techniques on how to implement and improve your practice. Nothing will challenge you and keep you growing like a chiropractic coach will.

How to Stop Contradicting Your Beliefs

How to Stop Contradicting Your Beliefs

During your lifetime you'll come across many contradictions. There's a movement toward health and wellness, but McDonald's still makes billions of dollars each year. People say they want to travel but end up working crazy hours to save up enough money for their dream vacation that will never happen.

The Mastermind Principle for Chiropractors

The Mastermind Principle for Chiropractors

When I began exploring success, way back when, one of the first books I ever read was Napoleon Hill’s all-time classic, “Think and Grow Rich.” It was a book that literally changed my life forever (still available on, for in it Napoleon Hill elaborated on “The Mastermind Principle,” a subject that I worked on understanding for many, many years. 

What To Expect from a Chiropractic Coach

What To Expect from a Chiropractic Coach

So you’ve made it through Chiropractic College, done your time as an associate, and started your own chiropractic practice. You’re experiencing some success, but you’re not growing as fast as you thought you would. It might be time to consider chiropractic coaching.

Seven Tips to Successful Chiropractic Practice

Seven Tips to Successful Chiropractic Practice

I had a client who told me recently, “I know everything I need to know to become a successful chiropractor. I know my stuff. I know how to adjust and how to read x-rays. I know procedure and I have set policies. I go to seminars and get all charged up, then I get back to the office and I just can’t get it going.” I assured this client that far too many others felt the same way. Here are seven tips I gave him to help him get back on track toward the achievement of his goals.

3 Ways to Achieve a High Volume Practice

3 Ways to Achieve a High Volume Practice

As I travel across the country, meeting chiropractors, I’m beginning to get a sneaking suspicion. I think most docs are beginning to think that “high volume” practices are a thing of the past. Well, I’m here to tell you that they are dead wrong.

Moving as One

Moving as One

If you have ever seen a flock of geese fly overhead, you know how difficult it is to tell who is leading whom. The geese move in swift syncopation as if they are all responding instantaneously to the same cues, tapped into an unseen force that directs and guides their movement as one. It is the same way with wild horses or a herd of buffalo.

From Problem Solving to Vision-Creating

 From Problem Solving to Vision-Creating

Chiropractors, bless you all, seem to be engaged in the perpetual task of making your practices better, with better being defined as more new patients, larger monthly patient volume and, of course, increased income.Unfortunately, the entire culture of our profession appears to be focused on what is wrong with the practice, why it is not better.