Seven Tips to Successful Chiropractic Practice

I had a client who told me recently, “I know everything I need to know to become a successful chiropractor. I know my stuff. I know how to adjust and how to read x-rays. I know procedure and I have set policies. I go to seminars and get all charged up, then I get back to the office and I just can’t get it going.” I assured this client that far too many others felt the same way. Here are seven tips I gave him to help him get back on track toward the achievement of his goals.

Tip #1: Motivation without mobilization means frustration.

Many chiropractors and others as well, are frustrated because they really want to be great but they do not know how to move their greatest obstacle, themselves. They are motivated but not mobilized. Virtually, every achievement needs to be preceded by some new action. Mobilizing yourself involves three basic steps: (1) Decide what you want to achieve most. (2) Determine the first step. (3) Do that first thing to get started.

Tip #2:  Keep your perspective in prospective. 

Perspective is defined as a point of view, a view of things in the relationship to how you see it. It takes time. Learn to take the positive view. Focus on your winnings and learn to be flexible.

Tip #3.  Master your emotions do not let them master you. 

If you work only on the days you feel like working, you will never amount to much. If you do your best only when you feel like doing your best, your work will be pretty shabby. If you take charge of your emotions, they will work for you, not against you. So, watch the trap. (1.) Stay away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. (2.) Small people always do that. Big people make you feel worthy. (3.) If you would like to be successful, walk and talk with successful people.

Tip #4.  Be a self-starter. 

Self-starters decide what needs to be done and they take action. They avoid excuses. Here are some classic excuses people use to justify not being a self-starter: (1.) I did not know how to do it. (2.) I did not know what you wanted. (3.) That’s not my job. (4.) I simply forgot. (5.) I just did not get around to it. (6.) I might do it wrong.

Tip #5:  Give everything you do, everything you have got!

Enthusiasm is a key ingredient of success, but most of us have difficulty staying enthusiastic on a consistent basis. If you are having trouble getting started, pick one thing and give it everything you have got for one day then another until it becomes a habit.

Tip #6. Arrest procrastination. 

So we say, “I’m lazy, no time, I need more information, I’ll get help to do it, it is not worth the effort,” and all that kind of self-image destroying behavior. This cancer of the mind and self-image must be arrested if we are to succeed, and here is the basic formula:  (1) Decide to conquer this disease. (2) Pick one area where your procrastination plagues you and work on beating that one. (3) Make a list. (4) Prioritize, one problem at a time.  (5) Give yourself deadlines, reward and punishment. (6) Do not duck the most difficult problems. (7) Do not let perfectionism paralyze you.

Tip #7. Learn to make things happen by effective communication.

The goal of effective communication is to convey a message that is not only received but accurately understood. It is the ability to transfer your thoughts, concepts, and desires to another and have that person relate to your input. If you become effective at communication most obstacles will be very easily overcome.

The above seven tips are more than food for thought. In my opinion, they are in fact a formula for success!