Promote Your Chiropractic Practice!

A successful marketing strategy is key to the growth if your chiropractic practice. If you’re looking to strengthen your marketing efforts, try one (or all) of the following tips!

Get Social!

  • You know the importance of social media, so be sure to follow through with your social media marketing strategy and post quality content regularly

  • Update your blog to share your knowledge with your patients and encourage them to come in for an adjustment or wellness checkup

  • Increase your interactions by answering patient questions on social media platforms and engaging with people. You can also offer giveaways or flash sales to increase your social media engagement.

Get Involved:

  • Attend local health fairs, sporting events, or conferences where you can set up a booth. You can even bring a mascot. If no events like that exist in your area, take the initiative and host your own with other local health-related businesses.

  • Donate a chiropractic wellness check for a local non-profit fundraiser or auction

  • Get involved in the local Chamber of Commerce

Provide Excellent Customer Service:

  • Word of mouth travels fast! If you treat your patients well, you increase your chances of winning their loyalty. Treating new customers is great but earning the trust and respect of returning patients is even better.

  • Some of the traits patients value in a chiropractor is experience, hospitality, timeliness, and respect.

Host an Open House:

  • Hold a small gathering at your chiropractic practice to get to know members of your community and share the values of your practice

  • Invite the public, colleagues, and referral coordinators from other healthcare clinics

  • Include refreshments, light appetizers, and door prizes to drum up some buzz

Be the Expert

  • Build connections with local news and media outlets or publications and comment on current health issues. Becoming the local trusted expert will boost your practice’s credibility and visibility.

  • Give free seminars and talks on your areas of expertise. Coordinate with other local healthcare professionals to reach a bigger audience.

Give Thanks:

  • Thanksgiving is just around the corner – what better time to show your appreciation? Write a thank-you note teach patients new patient and the doctor that referred them

  • Send out birthday cards to your regular patient base

Your marketing strategy is an important part of your chiropractic practice’s success. We know there are many facets to operating your practice, and we are here to help you find success. To learn more about what ChiroDestiny has to offer, click here to schedule a complimentary coaching call!