Leadership Qualities During Coronavirus

We could all use a helping hand now and again – especially during a pandemic. At ChiroDestiny, we are committed to helping chiropractors achieve success both personally and professionally, no matter the circumstance. Just as you look to your chiropractic coaches for guidance, your staff is looking to you during uncertain times. Here are just a few leadership qualities to help get you through coronavirus.

Be Calm

Your family, employees, and patients are probably all looking to you for leadership during this crazy time. As a leader, it is important that you project a calm and collected mentality.

Be Confident

You may not have all the answers, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you are confident you will see this through successfully with as little hurt done to your practice as possible. Your team is relying on you to get through difficult days, just as your patients are.

Communicate Effectively

Clear communication is more important than ever. Don’t just think what your message is, consider how you will get it across. Rapid communication is important, but there must also be a sense of order to communicate priorities and decisions effectively. Staying silent is not an option and will only foster a negative work environment

Be Compassionate

Compassion is an extremely important trait to have at this time. Building a great team will certainly help your practice during this time, and you should show your staff the compassion they deserve. They should know their questions and concerns are valid and you will work through them together. Let’s say you have a staff member whose family is at-risk and they would like to take the time off to help protect them. Consider doing everything you can to give them that opportunity; compassion at a time of crisis is an important leadership quality and one that won’t be forgotten.

During these challenging times, your team needs your leadership skills. In turn, you may need support and that’s where we come in. To learn more about how we can help, click here for our coronavirus resources or schedule a complimentary coaching call.