Is Your Staff Burnt Out?

Burnout has become increasingly common in the healthcare industry, especially during the stressful times we are currently in. Not only does burnout lead to lower-quality care, it can also cause an increased risk to patient safety. Other effects include fewer hours in the office and even leaving patient care altogether. It isn’t just doctors who are at risk of burnout; front office staff also feel the effects of stress and being overworked, which can have lasting negative impacts. Here’s how to recognize the signs of burnout in your staff and how you can help.

Signs of Burnout in Front Office Staff

Two major signs of burnout are:

  1. Emotional Exhaustion

    This is when someone feels drained by their work, feels overwhelmed, or constantly overextended and unable to get ahead. Does your front office staff feel like they are constantly treading water?

  2. Depersonalization

    Depersonalization is when staff members distance themselves from work. This is often displayed through a change in attitude, cynicism, or sarcasm. Does your usually bubbly front office manager suddenly seem unsympathetic or uncaring toward patients?

How You Can Reduce and Prevent Staff Burnout

If you are worried about front office staff burnout, you can make adjustments to help.

Delegate: As the leader of your practice, you need to delegate responsibilities effectively so that staff is only doing the tasks they are required to do. In doing so, your practice will operate more effectively and efficiently. When patient care becomes a team-based effort, it leads to a sense of professional accomplishment for your staff.

Automate: By automating routine processes, added responsibilities won’t create an overwhelming feeling. Tasks like patient satisfaction surveys, appointment reminders, scheduling patient visits, and online reputation can be automated. 

The health and safety of your patients is top priority, but without a great staff, you won’t have a great practice. To learn more about how to best serve your staff, click here to contact the chiropractic coaches at ChiroDestiny!