How To Talk To Your Chiropractic Patients About Coronavirus

It seems that each day, more and more changes are being implemented due to the fast-spreading COVID019, aka coronavirus. This virus is proving deadly for those with immune or respiratory issues and many of those over the age of 60.

Large events are being cancelled, strict cleaning proceeds are being implemented, and chiropractors and other health care workers are at greater risk due to client and patient interactions. We encourage you to take extra precautions when it comes to disinfecting and cleaning surfaces and skin or close contact.

As chiropractors, we are healthcare providers and that means reassuring our patients and working to inform. Here are some tips to share with your patients to keep them safe and healthy.

Eat a Healthy Diet: Make sure your body has the minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and micronutrients it needs to keep itself in good repair. This is an excellent opportunity to share healthy diet tips and information on supplements.

Get Plenty of Rest: We know we’re not the only ones who enjoy a hot cup of coffee in the morning, but too much caffeine can prevent restful sleep. Emphasize the importance of good sleep to your patients and provide tips to help achieve a full eight hours of shut-eye.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential to health and wellness, and it’s important your patients remember to stay hydrated.

Exercise: Exercise helps improve the efficiency of the lymphatic system, which requires movement to circulate germ-fighting fluids. Social distancing doesn’t mean your patients are stuck on the couch. Use this as an opportunity to share the many stretches and exercises you know to help improve spinal health.

Take a Time Out: We are all for a good digital detox and technology time out. It’s important that you emphasize to your patients (and yourself) the value in putting your phone down, turning off the TV, and de-stressing from all the reports of the advancing pandemic.

Wash Hands: This is one of the best ways to prevent illness from taking hold in the first place. Instruct your patients on proper handwashing techniques and be sure to have them wash hands before entering your exam room.

Maintain Chiropractic Adjustments: Getting adjusted is one of the best things a person can do for their immune system. Share on social media and through email the ways that chiropractic care improves the immune system.

Most importantly, keep communication open with your patients. Make sure hours are updated on your website and social media and that you are communicating all efforts that your practice is making to keep your patients and staff healthy. This communication can help reduce appointment cancellations and share the value of ongoing chiropractic adjustments as a preventative strategy. To learn more about how we can help you implement best practices, click here to contact us!