Tips to Grow Your Practice in 2021

As 2020 comes to a close, we are spending time reflecting on the year and focusing on what can be done differently in 2021. There are many moving parts to operating your own chiropractic practice, and growing your practice is always at the top of the list. Here are some of our tips.

Build a Supportive Team

The staff at your chiropractic practice will be your greatest asset. It’s impossible to do it all – treat patients, pay bills, invoicing, scheduling appointments – on your own. Hiring the right manager and team to support you is essential. Plan out your organization chart rather than being reactionary as your practice grows. Waiting until you are overwhelmed with patients will only lead to a negative customer experience and leave your existing staff feeling overwhelmed and scrambling.  

Support Your Staff

Just as you need your staff to support you, you also need to support them. Offering additional coaching and/or training can help them feel confident and happy in their role. When employees are happy, their performance rate increases, so creating a positive work environment results in a significant return on your investment.

That being said, it’s important to understand balance. If an employee continues to underperform despite your best efforts, know when to cut them loose.  

Build a Unique Brand

Part of owning any business is finding your advantage over the competition and marketing that to your customers/clients/patients. Once you know the brand message of your practice, focus on that and be consistent with it. People seek out brands that are consistent in their reliability and messaging.

Remember that your practice is ultimately in customer service. Your practice exists to treat patients and ensure they are satisfied after leaving your office. Online reviews are a huge part of this, so do what you can to encourage reviews, listen to feedback, and respond accordingly. 

Growing your chiropractic practice at any time can be a challenge, but especially so during a pandemic. To learn more about growth and development for your practice, click here to connect with one of our chiropractic coaches for an obligation-free practice analysis.