staff training

Tips to Grow Your Practice in 2021

As 2020 comes to a close, we are spending time reflecting on the year and focusing on what can be done differently in 2021. There are many moving parts to operating your own chiropractic practice, and growing your practice is always at the top of the list. Here are some of our tips.

Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

Are You Sabotaging Yourself?

Picture this: you've accomplished your goal of operating your own practice. Business is good, you've been working hard at improving yourself, your patients are happy, and so are your employees. Everything seems to be going great, and then you hit a road bump. Rather than analyze the problem for what it is and brainstorm on new solutions, you revert to what you already know. Why? Because you just don't have the time to reflect on the possibilities of what could work. You need a solution, and you need it now. Here are three signs it might be time to think outside the box and stop sabotaging yourself.

Chiropractic Team Meetings

Chiropractic Team Meetings

Chiropractic Team Meetings – Staff Meetings – Weekly Huddles.  Whatever the name, I assure you that the regularity and importance of these meetings to your chiropractic practice’s well-being should not be underestimated.