patient retention

Show Your Gratitude!

Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays — a day centered on family, friends, food, football, and giving thanks. In fact, it’s the perfect time of year to show your gratitude to your patients and chiropractic staff. Here are a few ways to show how thankful you are to your coworkers and patients.

Are You Working to Improve Patient Experience?

Not too long ago, providing excellent care was all you needed for a successful chiropractic practice. Doctors today, however, face some unique challenges. Chiropractors and their staff must provide high-quality, efficient service to attract new patients and achieve high patient retention. Here’s what you need to know.

Problems With Patient Retention?

Are you having trouble with patient retention? We find many chiropractic professionals are focused solely on attracting new patients and inadvertently neglect their existing patients. Getting new patients is great and an essential part of operating your practice, but you certainly don’t want to lose the loyal following you’ve built. In fact, it costs more money to get a new patient and returning patients drive a greater ROI. Your happy patients can be your best brand ambassadors, and that’s only a few reasons to invest in patient retention. Here are our tips to keep your patients coming back to your chiropractic practice.