From Chiropractor to Small Business Owner


2020 is moving fast and as each day passes, technology grows with it. We are constantly checking our phone’s notifications for the latest news, and it can be tough to keep up in this technologically advanced world. But if you are going to go from chiropractor to small business owner, you have to be able to grow and change. Here are our tips to begin changing your thinking to improve your chiropractic practice as a business.

Be More Than a Chiropractor – Be a Small Business Owner

Taking care of patients is certainly your top priority, but your bottom line is something you need to think seriously about. If numbers just aren’t your thing, make sure you have someone on your team who is a numbers person. It can be your billing manager or an outside accountant – whatever works best for you. Be sure to analyze your practice as a business and set meaningful but realistic goals to increase revenue.

Embrace Your Inner Techie

If you are going to succeed in the constantly changing world of healthcare, you must develop your techie skills and embrace all that technology can help you accomplish. Don’t be afraid to dive right in! Go to conferences, take classes, and attend seminars. Don’t be afraid to try something different and leave behind the days of appointment books. You’ll be amazed at just how much the right software can help you!

Your Patients are Paying Customers

Patients are paying more than ever before for healthcare. From copays to deductible to coinsurance – costs are adding up. And when your patients are paying, they expect top quality customer service, engagement in their healthcare and wellness, and access to their health information. Building a website with tools like patient portals, writing blogs to provide patient education, and going above and beyond to provide the best care possible will help you succeed.

Making the move from chiropractor to small business owner is no easy task. Here at ChiroDestiny, our chiropractic coaches can help you find success in your practice and help you grow personally. To learn more about what we can offer you, click here for a free practice analysis.