changing your mindset

Good Boss or Great Boss?

Good Boss or Great Boss?

Halloween is finally here! While this holiday is full of fun activities like trick-or-treating, costume parties, and carving pumpkins, it got us thinking about something so many people are afraid of: failure. As a leader of your chiropractic practice, the last think you want to do is fail. Your patients and employees rely on you. So how can you avoid failure? One way to do this is to go from being a good boss to a great boss. As a boss in the “good category, a lot of things are already being done correctly, but we all have room for improvement. Here are our tips.

Tips To Be More Mindful

If you want to create a more mindful professional experience in your chiropractic practice, you have to change your contributions to the situation and focus on what you can control rather than expend energy on the things you can’t Here are our tips for what you can do to bring more mindfulness to your workday.

Managing Anxiety In Your Chiropractic Practice

Managing Anxiety In Your Chiropractic Practice

As is true with any big undertaking in life, running your own chiropractic practice can be incredibly rewarding, but also extremely stressful. It's important to learn to manage those stresses if you are to run a successful practice and maintain your sanity. Here are our tips.

How Improving Yourself Leads to Improved Success

How Improving Yourself Leads to Improved Success

One of the best ways to attract success in your life is to develop into a person with attractive qualities. Self-improvement can put you on the path to personal success, and also improve your business success. You'd be surprised to discover just how helpful working on your own self-improvement can be for your business.

How to Stop Contradicting Your Beliefs

How to Stop Contradicting Your Beliefs

During your lifetime you'll come across many contradictions. There's a movement toward health and wellness, but McDonald's still makes billions of dollars each year. People say they want to travel but end up working crazy hours to save up enough money for their dream vacation that will never happen.