
Face Your Fears of Failure

As Halloween quickly approaches, we are surrounded by all things spooky and scary. One thing that many chiropractic practice owners and entrepreneurs are afraid of is failure. Being fearless isn’t what makes you a great leader, but how you use those fears to improve yourself. Here’s how to embrace your fear of failure and achieve your goals.

Good Boss or Great Boss?

Good Boss or Great Boss?

Halloween is finally here! While this holiday is full of fun activities like trick-or-treating, costume parties, and carving pumpkins, it got us thinking about something so many people are afraid of: failure. As a leader of your chiropractic practice, the last think you want to do is fail. Your patients and employees rely on you. So how can you avoid failure? One way to do this is to go from being a good boss to a great boss. As a boss in the “good category, a lot of things are already being done correctly, but we all have room for improvement. Here are our tips.