Lost Your Love of Leadership?

There are moments in leadership that can be extremely trying and your chiropractic practice surviving coronavirus is certainly one of them. The bad moments in leadership can be so overwhelming that you may feel like you’ve lost your love and passion to lead. Whether it’s the stress, the demand, challenges with personnel, or picking yourself up after making a mistake, you are bound to feel burned out and discouraged at some point or another. Maybe your love and passion for your practice suffers. You become less efficient, less involved, and short-tempered. It might seem like the road ahead is too rough to carry on, but there are ways to rekindle your love and passion for your work. Here are our suggestions.

Build Your Support System

You’ve made it this far, so you must be able to self-motivate. But even self-motivation fails sometimes and we all tire out. Build a strong support system from quality hires to someone in your personal life you can share your burdens with. Beyond that, mentors (like our chiropractic coaches!) are excellent resources to provide an outlet and perspective that is outside of your immediate circle. Sometimes you need someone who can offer advice without being involved…and that’s okay. In fact, that’s great! Seeking out ways to continue to grow and develop leads to continued success.

Set Goals

In order to stay focused, you have to set specific goals that you are committed to accomplishing. Every step toward reaching your vision should be specifically laid out. When you have a clear direction, it’s that much easier to stay committed. It also helps lessen the demands and stress of a project. When you set goals and share that vision with your team, you also reinforce a positive team mindset.

Celebrate Achievements

All work and no play? No thanks! If all you do is work on your vision (and never celebrate it), it will be hard to remember its importance. Take the time to acknowledge the progress of your goals, how far your team has come, and the contributions everyone has made. Give your team – and yourself – the much-deserved pat on the back. These celebrations remind everyone that all the hard work and effort being put in is going somewhere and also shows you are getting closer to accomplishing your goals.

Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Loving your work doesn’t give you the excuse to overwork. If anything, it’s more of a reason to take a break so you don’t run out of passion for what you’re doing. When your passion fades, so does your productivity and that can even spill into your personal life. Remember to give yourself the time you need to maintain a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout so you can continue to be the great leader that you are!

Whether it’s due to the stresses of coronavirus or just life in general, it’s normal to feel your passions wane. To help get back on track, click here for a complimentary practice analysis. At ChiroDestiny, we’re committed to helping you find success both personally and professionally.