You're Smart! Are Your Goals?

The stress of coronavirus has been challenging for everyone, especially small business owners. As we start to look ahead, it’s a great time to reevaluate your goals. Here’s how to set achievable goals.

You’re Smart. Are your goals?

Goal-setting can be challenging and it’s important to be honest with yourself. Are you just throwing ideas out and hoping something sticks? Or are your goals SMART? It’s great to have big goals, but be realistic. You want to be sure to challenge yourself, but you also want to set your practice up for success.

One way to ensure your goals are inspiring and achievable is to follow the timeless metrics of setting SMART goals:






Specific Goals

Your goals should be specific. If the skies opened and the universe granted you your wish of a car, it could be anything. But if your ask is a specific make, model, color, and year, you’ll end up a lot happier. When you work toward a specific goal, you are more likely to reach it faster and wind up happier with the outcome.

Measurable Goals

When you are setting a smart goal, ensure that you can measure whether you’ve achieved your goal at 100% or not. Setting a goal like “eat healthier” or “exercise more” isn’t specific and it isn’t really measurable. The same goes for your practice. You should be able to analyze your success.

Aligned Goals

Your goals should be aligned with your core values. If your goal isn’t in line with the mission of your chiropractic practice, it is likely to be abandoned. You’ll find other projects to focus on and procrastinate. Think about that car you wished for. It should be linked to your core values. If your core value is your family, you need a reliable mode of transportation for yourself and your family. Being a business owner, coach, chauffeur, etc. means you will value a reliable car with lots of space. Sure, the sports car might look fun now, but what about in the long run?

Realistic Goals

Is it realistic to get a new car? Sure. Have you figured out your finances to get the new vehicle? Yes. If you make a goal that’s not realistic (like that crazy Tesla SUV), there will be some self-doubt. Remember, part of learning and growing as chiropractic professionals is trying new things and setting big goals, but your goal shouldn’t be such a stretch that your inner critic is screaming at you.

Timely Goals

A goal without a deadline or timeline is really more of a wish. Set your goal and set a time for when you will reach it whether it’s a month, a year, or five years. This will help you monitor your completion level and motivate you to make it to the finish line.

Setting smart goals is a great tool for growth and development. To learn more about setting yourself up for success both personally and professionally, click here to schedule a free consultation with the chiropractic coaches at ChiroDestiny!