chiropractic team

Is It Time To Fire An Employee?

Is It Time To Fire An Employee?

As the owner of a chiropractic practice, you may have been here before. You have an employee that is constantly under-performing or causing issues with other staff members. Warnings have been issued and nothing has changed. But how do you know for sure that one of your employees needs to go before a meltdown at the practice takes place? Here are a few signs that it’s time to part ways.

Transform Your Team

Transform Your Team

Learn what it takes to transform your team! 

The 4 Principles of Chiropractic Care

Explaining the 4 principles of chiropractic care to your patients is key in having them understand what procedures are being done, and how this can affect their life longterm. Teach your patients, and little by little they can achieve the necessary outcome! If you want to learn more about this topic, register for our seminar today! From May 4th-6th, we will be in Ontario Canada discussing these topics and much more that will prepare your team for greatness!