How To Increase Client Referrals


No doubt about it, there’s a lot that goes into building a business, and because your practice is a business before anything else, it is no exception. We think operating your own chiropractic practice might even require a bit more effort than the average retailer. Why’s that?

Building a successful chiropractic practice means building trusting and lasting relationships with your clients. You aren’t selling a product they can just order off Amazon, you are selling a service that is customized to their needs. Because chiropractic care falls into a niche category, building a strategy for growth isn’t as clear as it is in other industries.

But, as you know, this doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Here are some tips and initiatives you can take to increase your client referrals and build a solid client referral strategy.

Just Ask!

This one’s easy, but often overlooked. How do you get more referrals? Ask for them!

There is no better person to ask for referrals than your trusted clients. They know you, they know your practice, and they trust you. Take advantage of this valuable resource.

You may not ask for referrals because you think it’s obvious that you welcome them, but it’s not as clear as you think. Avoid missed opportunities and unnecessary confusion by simply asking. Ask your clients to refer others to your practice when they are signing out of an appointment or through email. Provide printed literature and business cards that your clients can distribute on your behalf.

Become a Resource

You studied for years to become the doctor you are today, so why not use your knowledge to benefit your practice and your community? A great way to get the word out about your chiropractic practice and to build a strong referral network is by becoming a trusted resource for your local news. Reach out to local news reporters and bloggers, follow their social media platforms, and find opportunities to connect by adding valuable content to their posts. The situation might not present itself immediately, but when it does, you will already have an established connection that you can build upon.

Network Offline

The Internet is an excellent tool to build your referral network, but a face to face meeting and handshake will never go out of style. Make sure you are getting out there and meeting people.

Get active in local business organizations like your city’s chamber of commerce. Attend meetings and monthly mixers and offer to host educational seminars. But don’t just show up - come prepared. Practice how you will convey your message and explain your services in a concise manner.

You will also want to create connections with other professionals in your area that cater to the same client base as you. That way you can refer clients to each other or take part in joint events.

Create a website and a blog

If you’ve been following our blog, you already know how important it is to have a good website. But what about a blog? Regular blog posts will help to build search engine referral traffic. You can create articles on the topics your clientele is looking for, and provide them with educational material that will better their experience with your practice.

Blogging is an excellent way to show your expertise on a specific subject. Creating meaningful content shows potential clients that you are an expert in your field. This helps to build trust and credibility from the perspective of the client, putting you in good standing before they step foot in to your practice.

Reward Loyalty

If you are fortunate enough to already have loyal clients, acknowledge them early and often. Make sure to regularly thank them, especially for referrals. Sending “thank you” cards in the mail or offering a discount or offer is a nice personalized touch and acknowledging them will encourage them to continue referring additional clients. The more referrals you have, the higher the chances are you will retain more clients.

This tip isn’t limited only to clients. Whenever someone sends you a referral, whether it is from a professional contact or a friend of a friend, be sure to send at least a thank you card. This shows you truly appreciate their help and will keep the door open for more referrals in the future.

We have plenty of other suggestions for building up your client base. Contact us to see how we can help you develop your best practice ever!