workplace culture

Are You Managing Your Mental Health?

When people talk about being an entrepreneur, the conversation usually revolves around the satisfaction they get from building something out of nothing, like your chiropractic practice. As fulfilling as it is, there are also many challenges, including psychological ones. Here are some of our tips to help manage your mental health.

Keep Calm And Carry On

In a 2015 comprehensive study by Gallup’s , “The State of the American Manager,” they found a tough truth: 50% of Americans have left a job “to get away from their manager at some point in their careers”. That means half of Americans in this study left a job primarily because of their boss. We don’t want you to be that boss. You don’t want to be that boss. Too much intensity can wear your team down, whereas a calm demeanor is not really something employees can get too much of. When you think about it, the core of management is accomplishing work through others. Here are three reasons why calmness is a key managerial trait.

Making the Tough Decisions

Making the Tough Decisions

“They don’t believe in your business, they are just there for the paycheck,” David said. “Do you literally work with someone who is sh**ing on your dream? … Why don’t you set them free?”