Surrounded By Chaos? Here’s How to Stay Sane

All of us can probably agree that the world is a bit chaotic. We’re more than three months into the coronavirus pandemic and many people are still floundering – unsure of what’s to come or how to move forward. By categorizing some of what’s going on, you can create space to breathe, ground yourself, and make a plan to move forward.

People have been challenged physically, emotionally, and mentally over these past few months in ways they probably could not have imagined. As certain orders are relaxed and others extended, there is a lot of back and forth and confusion. What’s important here is to keep your composure and stay sane because, without a clear head, there’s no chance of gaining (or regaining) ground to improve your own personal health and the success of your practice. Here are a few factors to focus on as you check-in with yourself.

Stay Grounded

All these unknowns bring about anxiety for many people. If this sounds like you, take the time and recognize that. You can’t just turn off worry, but you can turn around your behavior. Your behaviors will either feed your fear and anxiety or it will starve it. Instead of wallowing in worry and despair, actively take part in the things you enjoy. Spend time with your household members doing fun activities, order a takeout meal for your office to treat them for their hard work and appreciate all that you’ve accomplished these past few challenging months. Navigating these times is hard enough and you don’t have to do it alone.

Be Present

Make an effort to be present in the moment. We don’t know what’s to come for the long-term and as important as it is to make plans for your chiropractic practice, some things are out of your control. This is a great time to understand what you are able to control with your practice and what your limitations are. Make your focus on what you can do in the present for your practice to thrive.

Be Patient

As much stress as you are under, your staff is feeling it too. Offer a little more kindness, space, leniency, and patience for others and yourself. You may not stick 100% to your goals, but committed patience and participation can go a long way in contributing to your sanity.

Make Your Health a Priority

You’ve probably heard your patients giving some excuses for not engaging in healthy behavior, including lack of energy or time. It may be hard to get anything done at this time, but we’re sure you encourage your patients to continue to exercise, eat a healthy diet, get restful sleep, and maintain their regular chiropractic care. Well, the same goes for you! If you fall into a pattern of unhealthy habits, not only will your practice suffer, but you will too.

Maintaining structure in a time of chaos can help inhibit worry and anxiety and give you the best opportunity to maintain your goals and stay healthy. This won’t completely eliminate negative thoughts and feelings but can help diminish behaviors that feed those fears. Stress is detrimental to your health and wellness, which should be prioritized in order to keep your practice thriving. To learn more about how to manage during these chaotic times, click here to connect with a chiropractic coach for a free practice analysis.