The Mastermind Principle for Chiropractors

When I began exploring success, way back when, one of the first books I ever read was Napoleon Hill’s all-time classic, “Think and Grow Rich.” It was a book that literally changed my life forever (still available on, for in it Napoleon Hill elaborated on “The Mastermind Principle,” a subject that I worked on understanding for many, many years. 

In fact, in answer to the age-old question, “What did you do to become so successful?” I promptly answer that I became an expert in the “Mastermind Principle of Success” and that over the years I made a concerted effort to surround myself with a small synergistic group of the most positive, most focused, most energetic, and best thinkers I could find.

For 10 years, I participated in a Mastermind Alliance with seven other men and women. We met, come hell or high water, every other Monday evening for 3 to 4 hours. 

Later, in the Markson Management Services and Masters Circle days, I brainstormed with the officers or partners every single week. We set goals, held ourselves accountable, reviewed what had happened, what was currently going on and talked about the future. We added, subtracted, deleted – we laughed, we cried, we agreed and we disagreed, but collectively we dreamed and planned – and we moved forward!

Being aligned with a Mastermind Group, Club or Alliance is, in my opinion, an essential tool of success for chiropractors. A Mastermind with the right kind of like-minded people can be priceless, and it can open doors far beyond anything you can even imagine. 

The mastermind experience itself is an exhilarating, stimulating, provocative and continuous collaboration that allows you to forge new strategies, uncover shortcuts, make seemingly insurmountable problems disappear and help you create new opportunities to grow your chiropractic practice.

Masterminds rekindle passion and purpose, reignite internal fires and reanimate spirits…and if all of the above isn’t enough, it gives you an opportunity to break bread with, and get to know your peers up close and personal.

If you’re a chiropractor looking for ways to improve, I would suggest joining or create a Mastermind of your own. All you need is a burning desire to grow yourself and your practice and to hang out with the best of the best. The effort will be worth it, I promise.