3 Ways to Attract More Chiropractic Patients

Have you ever heard yourself ask, “How do I get more new patients?” Once you understand the formula for how many new patients you actually need, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Build Trust And Credibility

People have to believe the messenger before they'll believe the message. You worked hard to become a chiropractor, so display yourself proudly on your website and in your office. Your website should have your credentials and include how many years you have been in practice.  Anything that adds credibility, such as: board certifications, concentrations of study, techniques, or other skill sets should be highlighted.

2. Be Accessible

Patients are paying for your expertise AND your time. Tell your patients exactly what to expect from you and your staff. Be there to answer their questions and guide them through the process as often as possible. If you can't do it yourself, refer them to your staff who should be trained and ready to help any patients with their needs. Set up channels for your patients to reach you through your website, social media, over-the-phone, and in person. Make it a point to respond to all patients in a timely and professional manner.

3. Don't Lead With Features

The number one reason people walk into your office is because their pain is interrupting their lives. Don't simply list off all the services you provide. People only care about how your services will benefit them. You have to explain the value behind your chiropractic services. If you explain 'the why' your patients will comply.

Chiropractors provide an invaluable service. If you can keep your chiropractic practice strong with the proper management, customer service, and marketing you will continue to succeed. If you are experiencing some success, and you're ready for the next level. Consider one of our chiropractic coaches.