Where’s Your Passion?

After coaching many Doctors for the last 10 years one thing is clear to me… Many chiropractors who are struggling or on a plateau, have lost their passion for chiropractic and their enthusiasm to serve humanity.

Passion is defined as the purposeful emotional engagement or commitment to work. Passion is further defined as being reflected in an increased willingness to go over and above what the job normally calls for.

With passion for ones work it makes practicing fun, keeps you motivated, inspires others and makes you productive and successful.

To regain the passion in your practice you must remember your “why”  – why did you become a chiropractor? You must have a crystal clear vision, and you must have a purpose big enough to thrive and not just survive.

Regaining your passion starts with an attitude of gratitude and love. Every morning as part of your daily routine write 5-10 things you are grateful for in your journal. During your morning huddle with your staff ask them what they are grateful for in their personal lives as well as in the practice. Read a Green Book or any other book that will inspire you. Write a new personal affirmation to give it a fresh energy.

What else can you do to get your passion back? Visit TheMarksonConnection.com and learn how we can guide you to regaining your passion.