The Ultimate Guide: Chiropractic Coaching Programs

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ChiroDestiny puts the future in your hands with chiropractic coaching tools that deliver success. Whether you want fresh ideas on attracting more quality new patients, keeping the patients you have, finding and training the right staff, avoiding burnout, improving PVA, achieving financial freedom, or becoming a stronger leader, ChiroDestiny's chiropractic coaching programs are leading the industry. We are proud to offer truly individualized coaching from super-successful chiropractors who have been right where you are now and have learned all the lessons that created the shifts that launched them into success, to guide you through the process every step of the way and can help you quickly burst through your personal and practice limits and ascend to a higher level of service.

Types of Chiropractic Coaching Programs Available

With our chiropractic coaching that grows practices, we guide and advise chiropractors to create and scale profitable practices that provide outstanding care with vision, certainty, and skill. We provide coaching programs focused on ensuring that every action you take is consistent with your values and is of the highest ethical standards. Here is an overview of the diverse programs we offer:


If you have been dreaming of growing your practice or want to up your game and have your practice be even more lucrative, our live seminars are for you! Our chiropractic training seminars are designed to educate, inspire, and motivate you and your entire staff in all areas of practice management, scripts and procedures, corrective care, cash practice, goal setting, staff management, wealth accumulation, and financial freedom. In addition, we host three seminars per year specifically targeted at helping chiropractors achieve their personal and business aspirations and ambitions.

Online Training / eLearning courses

Gain access to everything you, your associates, or your CAs will need to tackle anything procedural in your practice with our online chiropractic training program. Our eLearning courses are specifically designed with you in mind and include video demonstrations, step-by-step guides, scripting, activities, and more. These online video training sessions will guide you every step of the way through all office procedures, from chiropractic front desk training and answering the phone to giving incredible reports of findings that will create patients that stay, pay, get well, and refer others. Our courses are designed for both DCs and CAs to take your practice to the next level

One on One Training

The secret of ChiroDestiny lies in our face-to-face chiropractic coaching. Our weekly 30-minute, live video calls with experienced, professional chiropractic coaches are designed to help you raise your standards and achieve your individual goals. These one-on-one chiropractic training sessions typically include coaching and exercises designed for personal and practice growth, created by a clear vision of your goals and the leadership and business skills to empower you to achieve them. Over the course duration, your coach will assist, inspire, and direct you in setting and reaching your goals, both professionally and personally. 

Free Resources

You can take advantage of our free chiropractic resources by simply filling out the form to sign up and get a free Report of Findings Checklist featuring tips to help you master each section, or sign up to get a free Capacity Limitations course featuring Brett Axelrod & Rick Markson. 

Chiropractic Assistant Training (CA Training)

Patients spend 80% of their time in your office with CAs; ensuring that every CA in your office is properly trained is imperative for your practice success. Our CA training program includes bi-weekly 30-minute coaching calls with your CAs; monthly live training sessions with all CAs and Chiropractors in the training program; monthly stats analysis with CAs; monthly check-ins with the Member Doctor; as-needed coaching calls with your Associate Doctors; unlimited access to ChiroDestiny resources; $100 off the seminar registration fee; and optional on-site deep dive where our coach comes to spend the day at your practice.

What is included in the Chiropractic Coaching Programs?

ChiroDestiny Coaching Members are consistently among the highest earners in their professional communities. They have increased income, decreased stress, and more free time to pursue those activities they enjoy most. Your Coach holds you accountable for making the changes you desire. Without a Coach, change takes longer, and often it does not occur at all! Learn how to create a practice where people stay, pay, and refer for a lifetime.

You will receive specific coaching on a combination of time-tested, turnkey Practice Management Systems as you work with a personal coach who:

  • Coaches you into attracting more new patients through your door with an extensive program targeted at analyzing your current internal and external marketing, expanding your marketing calendar, and improving your closing rate so that your events work.

  • Customizes the ChiroDestiny program according to your needs for a completely personalized coaching experience designed to help you improve all the factors that contribute to your Patient Visit Average (PVA).

  • Guides you on the specific steps necessary to achieve financial freedom by looking at your current practice finances to improve profitability, helping you remove debt quickly, and creating a wealth accumulation plan based on your long-term goals.

  • Acts as an extension of your HR department assisting in the hiring and training of new and existing practice team members, teaching your CAs all the fundamentals of running the practice with you through comprehensive systems for every aspect of practice, from office administration procedures and documentation to patient education concepts and compliance necessary to help the practice grow on all new levels.

  • Helps you through the steps of developing self-awareness, vision, creation, effective communication, and consistency of action through a fully individualized coaching program that will drive energy and enthusiasm back into your practice for you to become a stronger leader.

What can a Chiropractic Coach do?

No matter what stage your practice is at, having a chiropractic consultant to coach you will help to eliminate mistakes and the need to reinvent the wheel. It is often easy to become engulfed in your day-to-day practice activities and get caught up in a rut. ChiroDestiny can help you with new patient attraction, practice management, prosperity awareness, communication skills, marketing, staff training, and personal growth. Equipped with knowledge from personal practice experience and from mentoring and coaching hundreds of chiropractors in all levels of practice, ChiroDestiny comes to the table with proven methods for success, helping you develop self-confidence, grow your business, and make your practice and life a greater success!

  • Often, when you are too close to something, you can develop blind spots. A good chiropractic coach will have an objective perspective and the ability to quickly identify problems and offer solutions or strategies you may not have considered.

  • A chiropractic coach asks the right questions that challenge you to think critically about your business, which is especially important to develop a highly efficient and effective plan of action.

  • Feel like you are constantly stressing about a million different problems and challenges? A chiropractic coach is great at helping you decide which challenges are worth addressing today and which ones are not worth considering until later.

  • "The bigger the dream, the more important the team." A chiropractic coach can help you discover your practice weaknesses and help you correct them to ensure the best results. Having a great chiropractic coach is a huge asset in building a great team and helping you maintain accountability.

How to Choose the Right Chiropractic Coach :

When clinical and business issues arise, it is easy to second-guess yourself because your perspective is essentially limited to your own clinic. Wisdom is knowing what you do well and what you do not so well and getting someone on your side who will make up for any shortfalls. One of the most important reasons to hire a chiropractic coach is to get fresh, new insights and advice to solve problems and take your practice to the next level. An experienced chiropractic coach will have worked with hundreds of practices and have the ability to clearly identify the root causes that are hindering the growth of a practice.

If you decide you want the outside perspective of a chiropractic coach, the next decision is to determine what type of coach to hire. Some chiropractic coaches have expertise in several areas and can improve operational procedures, evidence-based treatment protocols, coding, documentation, federal regulations, productivity, new patient acquisition, and staff motivation. Other chiropractic coaches may specialize in only one area, such as motivation. Chiropractors are notorious for piecing together items from many different seminars, coaches, tape programs, videos, and the like. However, this approach can be problematic as the pieces do not always fit together. You will first need to determine whether you are looking for another piece or seeking to have all your pieces work together seamlessly.

A chiropractor may ask a chiropractic coach to fix a specific problem when the actual problem is something else. It is always best to start with an assessment. A formal practice assessment will pinpoint specific problems so that you know exactly where to focus solutions. Improvements should be based on your unique situation. A chiropractic coach should diagnose first, then find solutions, just like you do with your patients. Additionally, a chiropractic coach should assist with implementing the recommended solutions and institute processes that prevent the return of the problems.

While a chiropractic coach can help create systems to improve clinical outcomes, profitability, office flow, patient care, and treatment acceptance, your team members must be included in the process of creating these systems, or they will not own them. If they do not hold them, your team will quickly return to old habits, and you will not be able to make the improvements you hoped to achieve. Each staff member has to understand that they play an essential role in improving patient satisfaction and outcomes. The chiropractic coach's job is to step back and see the big picture of the talent and unique skills of the chiropractor and team and how these can best be employed to attain the goal. Hiring a chiropractic coach is a smart decision for practices looking to produce greater productivity and profitability. Here are some key indicators that can help you determine the best chiropractic coach for you:


Time-accumulated wisdom, as opposed to textbook knowledge, is invaluable. Veteran chiropractic coaches are worth their weight in gold.

Ask about their process:

Do they start by performing a comprehensive evaluation of your current procedures and issues before offering advice? Or do they have a one-size-fits-all approach? Additionally, outstanding chiropractic coaches do not just tell you what to do; they tell you how and why to do it.

Professional & Personal ethics:

Success founded upon unethical protocols will eventually catch up with you.

Good rapport:

Feeling a positive connection with a chiropractic coach is imperative. You must be able to have meaningful discussions. Rapport is especially critical for solving complex operational problems.

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Why Choose Chiro Destiny for Chiropractic Coaching?

A good chiropractic coach is someone who can effectively and efficiently lead chiropractic clients to their desired goals. In a coaching relationship, the coach first needs to listen carefully to understand the client's situation fully. They then need to facilitate thoughtful planning and decision-making, help clients recognize their own potential, and provide fresh perspectives.

ChiroDestiny aims to motivate, educate, empower, and encourage chiropractic doctors and assistants to reach their limitless human potential as we train chiropractors to develop the beliefs and actions necessary to achieve the lives and practices of their dreams. We go the extra mile to deliver outstanding personalized service to our clients based on our core values that embrace self-awareness, growth mindset, integrity, world-class service, systems-driven, exceptional standards, and innovation.

We offer proven methods to market your practice internally and externally to keep a steady flow of new patients coming into your practice. Every coach at ChiroDestiny is an actively practicing and successful chiropractor who has used the ChiroDestiny method to conquer the stumbling blocks you are currently experiencing. They know which problem areas to target to help you improve. The average ChiroDestiny member grows their PVA by 30% within the first year of coaching. Patient loyalty is the key to your success, and we are here to help. Over 80% of our members break one of their all-time records within the first year of membership. 

If you want to attract more quality new patients, build an unbreakable relationship with your patients, develop leadership skills crucial to success, empower your CAs to grow your practice with you, and take the first step toward financial freedom, contact ChiroDestiny today to schedule your first free chiropractic coaching call.