Goal Planning for Success

With a new year comes new goals for you and your chiropractic practice. So, you’ve set your goals. You wrote them in your planner, your whiteboard, talk about them…but how do you get there? While a blueprint can be helpful, it’s important to customize your goals to the needs of your patients and your practice, which will also help you better understand what direction your practice is going in and how to get there. Goals help you avoid aimless planning and enable you to move forward. Here are our tips.

Questions to Consider

Before you set your goals, you need to determine what you hope to achieve with your chiropractic practice. Ask yourself key questions such as:

  • Do I like my work environment? What would I change about it?

  • Do I have the right team for my practice?

  • Does my clinic have the right patient base, or do I want to see more patients?

  • Is my staff spending time on activities at work that are irrelevant to their job responsibilities or unproductive?

  • Are there tasks I can automate to make my practice more efficient?

  • What percentage of practice revenues go towards operation compared to advertising and marketing?

  • Is my practice sufficiently profitable? Am I able to be financially independent with my practice?

  • Is my practice growing right now, staying the same, or declining?

Set Your Baseline, Choose Your Goals

Once you’ve determined what you want to change, you can start to strategize to develop or improve your ideal chiropractic practice. Take your goal list and transform it into quantitative and qualitative goals you can aim for.

If your goals seem unattainable, try setting minimum benchmarks. Break down that large goal into smaller steps that work toward success. For example, if your goal is to gain X amount of patients in the next year, to get there you may need to increase your outreach and marketing in the next three months.

Reach Success

Now that your goals are set and you’ve determined what actions to take to reach them, make sure to check in with your progress and re-evaluate. Is there something you can do differently help you accomplish your goals and reach success? You can always adjust your goals as you go and make changes as necessary.

If your goal is to build a successful chiropractic practice, the experts at ChiroDestiny can help. To learn more, click here to schedule a free practice analysis!