Improve Your Patient Retention

“You don’t earn loyalty in a day; you earn loyalty day-to-day” – Jeffrey Gitomer

There are many key factors that determine the success of your practice. More often than not, the challenges lie in areas you may not realize. Patient Visit Average (PVA) plays the biggest role in the success of your practice. If you lose the loyalty of one patient, you lose the business of 3-5 new ones.

truly grow your practice

Evaluating your PVA, will show you the problem areas in your practice so you can gain more patients and keep them!

The average ChiroDestiny member grows their PVA by 30% within the first year of coaching.

Long-term growth is what we’re all about. It’s a continuous cycle of increasing and sustaining. You not only want to invite your patients back, but you want to invite their friends and family, and their friends and their family.


Why retention (PVA) is important

From a marketing standpoint alone, word-of-mouth is the strongest form of new patient acquisition. More importantly, the more your patients comply, the better results they receive. It is crucial to know whether your patients understand their chiropractic care so they can make it a part of their long-term health regime. This increases the chance that they will share their experience with their family, friends and co-workers.


Improve Your Patient Visit Average (PVA)

ChiroDestiny works on all the key skills needed to improve your PVA, including:

✅  Measuring retention

✅  Determining when and why your patients drop off of their care

✅  Coaching on how to improve retention issues

✅  Coaching and training your staff

Clarity of the communication with your patients and team is crucial to a strong PVA. ChiroDestiny gives you a personalized coaching experience focusing on your key problem areas and working toward your goal PVA.

Your PVA is indicative of your practice success. The higher your PVA, the better your practice building skills are. ChiroDestiny will help you best utilize your secret weapon, your PVA.


Patient loyalty is your key to success, and we’re here to help! schedule a FREE 30-minute coaching call with us.

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